DIY Concrete Easter eggs

Spring is coming! This is the time of year that I love when we are shedding off the winter cold and looking to things blooming and warming up again. You know its right around the corner when the March flowers begin to start to bloom. I went to Lowes the other day just to see the tulip bulbs, pansies, and hyacinths. I have some planters that need a little color for another project. I love the pastel colors of spring and am always looking for a project for spring. This diy is one I tried last year with using a different product and it didn’t work out like I wanted…so I tried again.
Any guesses on what this project will be? Most of you guessed right off on the Facebook post by just the supplies picture. For this project you will need:
- mortar mix (concrete)
- plastic eggs
- box cutter
- wax or cooking spray
- plastic cup and spoon
- tape
- something to hold them up right (egg tray is good)

Last year, I tried using plaster of paris and it didn’t quite work out the best. They got hard enough but were crumbly. This year my husband had to buy mortar mix to fix a brick on my front planters so we tried this project again. He grabbed some Easter eggs from the kids stash to try out this project. You can see the sped up video on Facebook here
Here is the steps listed out in case that is too fast for you.
- Grab your plastic egg and open up
- Wax the inside or use cooking spray to keep from sticking
- Tape around the seam and the holes
- Mark a circle on the wider end and cut hole in with exacto knife.
- Pour your concrete in the cup about 1/2 way.
- Continue to mix in water to get it to right consistency. You don’t want it soupy.
- Pour in the concrete after its mixed in the egg
- Place the egg in the tray with the hole facing up
- Let dry over night
Once it is dry you can take off the plastic egg. If its waxed enough it will just slip out. After they have cured for a little while they become the lighter color. You can decorate them however you like with paint, ribbon, or twine. In this video here, I show you how I would decorate with them
I love this project and you can use over and over again each year. I also have concrete bunnies in the shop. I didn’t make them, but they would be so cute paired with these eggs.
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