Dresser makeover

I have put off this project for a long time! With nowhere to go, you might as well get some projects done around the house. Am I right?? I got to the point I was ready to paint any and everything. I was painting bathrooms, trim work, porches. You name it, it got painted. I like to stay busy with projects, not because I’m such a workaholic, but it keeps my mind off my surroundings. With all that has been going on around us during the last few months, I began to turn off the news and turn on K-love. I needed peace and to put my mind at rest…. making something pretty makes me happy.
This was a time when we played musical beds. Our oldest needed a new queen size mattress, so her bed went down to the middle child, and then that twin size went down to the youngest. That was a couple of days of work taking beds down and rearranging rooms for them.
The twin size bed he ended up getting was a pretty aqua color but didn’t go with his room full of navy and grey. So the bed got a makeover….the dresser needed a makeover. Isn’t that the way it goes?

This is the link to the paint color I used Lamp White.
Here is the BEFORE on this dresser:

This was also a hand me down from an old bedroom suite we had. It was in great shape but the wood tones didn’t really match. The style of the bed is different but I was hoping with paint I could make the two work. So I go grab a color called lamp white paint I had from the shop and start painting.

This was after 2 coats of the lamp white. Fusion mineral paint goes on super smooth and has a great finish with built in poly.

Here is the AFTER:

This is his bed after it was painted in the same color. I loved the aqua but just didn’t go with his room. That’s the thing with good solid furniture, if you get tired of the color you just grab some paint and change it up.
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