DIY Concrete Planters

I have been loving the look of concrete planters for a couple of years now. I have picked up a couple of different shapes and size ones along the way for the shop. Two of those have made it home with me. I have started liking mixing the concrete with dark woods. Its just a clean, modern farmhouse look.
You can find all sorts of tutorials on how to make your own planters using things you have around the house. My husband is great at coming up with ideas and things we can try out. Its so fun to think, I can make that. So that’s exactly what we did.
Here’s what you will need:
- Bag of Quick Crete concrete
- Water
- Bucket to mix concrete in (used a 5 gallon bucket)
- Buckets for your planters to dry in
- Something to mix concrete with (I used a drill with paint mixer attachment) Its not necessary but sure helps
We ended up using a cool whip Tupperware container and a sour cream container for the first test and it worked perfectly! You want your top container to be a little smaller in the diameter so you can press it into the concrete and have a ring around it.
I started mixing the concrete in my 5 gallon bucket a little at a time. I added in several scoops of concrete and then just a dash of water. You want the consistency to be like cake batter and not soupy. I kept mixing more concrete, and more water till I had enough mixed up for the project I was working on. (I also have projects on making a concrete pumpkin) I used the drill with paint mixer attachment to make sure I didn’t have any dry pockets down in the bucket.

Some tutorials use oil to coat the buckets with so that it will come out of container easier. We didn’t do this step, and ended up cutting the container off since it was going to be trashed later.
You can now start pouring your largest container with concrete till you get about ½ way. Then place your second container on the inside of the first. See how much more you will need until you get the concrete all up around the edges of the container.

That’s it!! Super easy project!!
You will need to let it set up overnight so that it will dry. Once you have done that you can separate the sides and see if the concrete will slip out. The smaller (sour cream) container ended up coming out ok, but we had to cut the larger (cool whip) container with a box cutter.

You can see how he made me a walnut plant stand to surround the planter and how I decorated it on my porch.
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