gingerbread kitchen

One thing I have loved for several years is my gingerbread collection. It all started with a few pieces and it has grown drastically over the years. Its kind of addicting and every time I see a new piece I kinda need My Mom actually found the little gingerbread house here at Walmart. It has become more popular over the last few years.
Sometimes I don’t get all of it out but I wanted to share with you what I did in my kitchen this year. I don’t know if you decorate around in your kitchen area or not but I’ll share some of my tips that you can use whatever theme you use. Its good to use what you would normally have in your kitchen and add a few touches to the space. Think of things like cake plates, scales, canisters, pitchers, platters, and trays to add to a few Christmas pieces so you stay within your budget. It doesn’t have to cost you any money you can add ribbon to pitchers, use certain colors to carry your theme throughout, add a few small brush trees to your existing decor. Super simple ideas are what I like about decorating.
Kitchen Counters
Find little things that will give you just a touch of Christmas but not overload your counters. I like to have very little on my counters because it feels cluttered. So here in the picture you can see that I added a few bottle brush trees, the wooden tree and my gingerbread candle. The small dessert plate is from Target for $5 and usually has a plant or candle on it throughout the year by my sink.

Above Kitchen Cabinets
I would love it if my cabinets went all the way to the ceiling but that was not the style when we built. Since I had so many gingerbread items I decided to style above my cabinets. In case you have kitchen cabinets that are open above….here are a few ideas you can use.
Use cake plates or items that will lift smaller items so that they don’t get lost. If I had placed the small gingerbread house solely by itself it would have been lost behind the moulding. So I grabbed another cake plate from TJmaxx and added a brush tree. I layered in a large gingerbread platter and small tree for some green.

Another tip is to add some greens….I added in the wreaths to two of my cabinets that we don’t open very often. I used some double sided tape to the other side of the cabinet connecting the ribbon. I took some small gingerbread girl and boy wrapped in the ribbon. Greens will just give a display a little life.

This side I layered in a gingerbread platter, bowl and a hobnail cake plate. I stacked some of the mugs I have and added a touch of green. It took longer to get it up there on top of the cabinets than it did to actually arrange.
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I hope that you got a few ideas from this post on how to add a little touch of Christmas to your kitchen counters and cabinets.

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